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Computer program automatically writing the next Game Of Thrones book

Immagine: HBO/Shutterstock. Composizione: Jason Koebler

With the huge advancement of computer technology humanity is seeing stuff which before would have been nothing, but a dream. According to a Motherboard Vice report, a software engineer has written a software which is automatically writing the next chapters of the Game Of Thrones book.

Although it may seem like a joke to many, such stuff is possible thanks to Neural Networks which is a programming paradigm that enables a computer to learn from observational data. Biologically-inspired, such technology is currently being used successfully in solving problems such as image recognition,  speech recognition and natural language processing. 

A talented engineer known as Zack Thoutt, has decided to push computer technology to its limits by writing code which is responsible for generating content of Game Of Thrones. Passionate about the books and the show, Zack is using his knowledge which he got from a course on artificial intelligence to predict the events of the unfinished sixth novel.

The followings are his exact words.

"I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones, the books and the show," said Thoutt, who had just completed a Udacity course on artificial intelligence and deep learning and used what he learned to do the project. "I had worked with RNNs a bit in that class and thought I'd give working with the books a shot."

Thoutt is using a subclass of neural networks which is known for its ability to produce predictive data based on text inputs. Making it easy for anyone to understand how it works under the hood, the engineer provides a prime word to the network and then the software tries to match the desired results which are known as target variables. When the expected result is not matched, the network learns again until it can come up with the desired output.

Although artificial intelligence is a great technology which has proved to work well even in the industry, the model being built by Zack has its own weak points. One of them is the inclusion of characters who have died in the previous chapters.

Not only this, but the neural network did generate a new character called Greenbeard. Of course, nothing is perfect. The software engineer has published the five chapters generated by his network for anyone to download on his github page.

For those of you who don't know, Game Of Thrones is a seasonal show based on the A Song Of Ice And Fire novel series.

Sources which I referred to write the article: Motherboard Vice report


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